September 08, 2024

Performance Given to Celebrate 71st Anniversary of Victory in Fatherland Liberation War Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Enjoys Performance

Date: 28/07/2024 | Source: (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, July 28 (KCNA) -- A grand performance was given before the Monument to the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War at night of July 27, elevating the delight and excitement of the great day of war victory shining as a symbol of the immortal honor and sure victory of the dignified Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The grand seat of education in the tradition of victory, where the sculptures of the first defenders of the DPRK are standing imposingly, was filled with the great pride and self-confidence of the victorious wartime generation who won a mythical victory unprecedented in the world history of wars and successive generations who have carried forward the great tradition and demonstrated most honourably the heroic spirit for more than 70 years.

When Kim Jong Un , general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, appeared at the venue of the performance together with war veterans, all the participants broke into stormy cheers of "Hurrah!" and fireworks were displayed.

All the participants paid the highest tribute and glory to the great Comrade Kim Jong Un who is ushering in a new era of building a rich country with strong army to be immortal for all ages by dint of the most thoroughgoing inheritance and genuine revolutionary obligation, firmly carrying forward the spirit of the great years, which had consolidated the unshakable foundation of the DPRK at the cost of blood, as the blood vessel of an independent power.

Kim Jong Un and war veterans were presented with fragrant bouquets by pretty children.

Invited to enjoy the performance were veteran officials who worked for a long time at the important posts of the Party, government and military and their families.

Members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and other senior officials of the Party and the government were present together with the participants in the celebrations of the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War, students of revolutionary schools, Pyongyang citizens, youth and students.

Commanding officers of the Ministry of National Defence, commanders of the large combined units of the Korean People’s Army and service personnel took the auditorium.

Among the audience were diplomatic envoys and members of missions of different countries here.

The sacred national flag of the DPRK was shown on the screen of the stage amid the solemn playing of the national anthem of the DPRK.

All the participants solemnly looked up to the national flag of the DPRK associated with the blood of the heroic fighters who brought about July 27 war victory, the noble soul of each generation of the revolution to defend the precious victory for over 70 years after the war and the eternal future of Juche Korea.

The performance began with narration and song "Tell, Fireworks of War Victory". Put on the stage were wartime songs, hymns to war victory and songs of faith resounded in the years of succession.

Wartime songs including "Song of National Defence", the all-people song of volunteering for military service on the war front and a marching song for annihilating the enemy, which made the whole country turn out in the decisive battle against the aggressors in June 1950, evoked memory of the all-people patriotic resistance that defended the dignity and sovereignty of the country and toughly frustrated the outbreak of a new world war on the frontline of the eastern part.

Singing the songs of life and struggle of the great heroic generation, the performers paid high tribute to the participants in the Fatherland Liberation War who set an excellent example in defending the country, the revolution and peace, holding the peerless leader in high esteem and overcoming the most serious challenges and disasters at the beginning of the founding of the state.

Looking up to the respected image of President Kim Il Sung , invincible and iron-willed brilliant commander, who gave shameful destruction to the arrogant U.S. imperialists for the first time in history and proudly put the DPRK's proud name and national flag on the position of a powerful country by leading young and new-born DPRK, the audience keenly realized that the miracles of July 27 are the most precious assets of the country which can never be bartered for anything and valuable tradition to be carried forward for all ages.

The performance reached its climax with the hymns to war victory "Tell, Fireworks of War Victory" and "July 27, Our Victory Day".

At the end of the performance, the war veterans were presented with bouquets by conductors and leading actors and actresses, reflecting the respect of all the performers.

Amid the stormy cheers, splendid fireworks were displayed one after another to give further momentum to the enthusiasm for V-Day.

The wonderful fireworks gorgeously illuminated the immortal sculpture "Victory" and the sculptures of heroic soldiers like confetti of respect for the victorious wartime generation who created the myth of the most just strength by dint of great faith and unity in the most fateful years of the Korean revolution,

All the participants renewed their iron will to surely build a thriving nation of Juche, admired by the world, by leading the eternal history of the revolution to the great victories with the invincible spirit of July 27 as a powerful driving force under the guidance of Kim Jong Un . -0- (Juche113.7.28.)

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