September 11, 2024

KCNA Commentary on Japan's Behavior of Disguising Itself as Nuclear Victim

Date: 14/08/2024 | Source: (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, August 14 (KCNA) -- Japan's Prime Minister Kishida, at a recent "peace ceremony" in Hiroshima City, dubbed Japan a "nuclear victim", sparking off indignation among all people.

In his speech, he said that the pain people suffered 79 years ago should not be repeated again, adding that "it is the mission of Japan, the only A-bomb victim of the war, to maintain the 'three principles of denuclearization' and make steady efforts to realize the 'world without nuclear weapons'."

Japan, censured by the world people for its persistent moves to arm with nuclear weapons, is behaving disgustingly, advertising itself as a "nuclear victim" under the signboard of the "three principles of denuclearization" which became extinct long ago. But its sinister intention can never be concealed.

Sato, the then Japanese prime minister in 1967, announced to the international community the "three principles of denuclearization" which stipulated that "Japan will not have access to nuclear weapons as well as neither manufacture nor introduce them".

But it was nothing but a deceptive artifice to cover up its nuclear ambition. This is clearly proved by the fact that the top secret nuclear document signed by the U.S. and Japan in 1969 was discovered at the house of Sato who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the declaration of the "three principles of denuclearization".

In fact, Japan has persistently pursued access to nuclear weapons under the signboard of the "three principles of denuclearization". In the 2000s Japanese rulers even said that "it is easy to produce nuclear warheads and atomic power plants in Japan have enough plutonium to manufacture thousands of nuclear warheads".

That's why Japan did not mention at all the "three principles of denuclearization", for which it had been calling for mere form's sake, at the event in 2015 marking 70 years since Hiroshima and Nagasaki were hit by A-bombs.

And it is now trumpeting again about obsolete "three principles of denuclearization". Lurking behind this is its sinister intention.

Japan has the capability to manufacture and possess nuclear weapons any time. Now it needs justification and space to legalize it.

To this end, Japan has sought the possibility and way of getting official access to nukes by spurring its entry into AUKUS, called "Anglo-Saxon nuclear submarine alliance". It recently held a confab with the U.S. and even achieved a substantial "share of nukes" under the mask of "defence".

The Japanese reactionaries are conducting various military exercises including Freedom Edge, the first multi-domain joint military drill of the three parties--U.S., Japan and the ROK--and joint exercises with NATO member states such as Germany, France and Spain around the archipelago and its vicinity. Such military moves make it possible to know what the ultimate goal sought by Japan ambitious for nuke is.

This prompted due vigilance of many countries and, therefore, the world's suspicious look at Japan, a war criminal state, is getting ever sharper.

At this point, Kishida clamored again about "three principles of denuclearization", stressing the damage they suffered by A-bombs in the last century. This is an expression of Japan's crafty intention to calm down the vigilance of the international community and realize its sinister ambition for nuclear weaponization at any cost.

But Japan is not aware of the fact that its ridiculous double-dealing behavior has an adverse effect of further stirring up the enraged world people.

The path Japan pursues with desperate efforts by deceiving the world is the return to the unfortunate past of Hiroshima's tragedy.

Those denying history are bound to be punished by history. -0- (Juche113.8.14.)

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