September 11, 2024

DPRK's Newspapers Mark National Liberation Day

Date: 15/08/2024 | Source: (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, August 15 (KCNA) -- Leading newspapers of the DPRK dedicate editorials to the 79th anniversary of Korea's liberation. The newspapers say that August 15, when President Kim Il Sung liberated the country, was a great event that provided a fundamental turning point in carving out the destiny of the Korean people and a great political event that opened up a broad avenue to building an independent and sovereign state. The President organized and led the anti-Japanese armed struggle to bring about the new spring of national liberation and, thereby, the Korean people who were groaning under colonial slavery became genuine masters of new Korea, and a bright prospect for the country was opened up, says Rodong Sinmun, and goes on: The victory in the anti-Japanese revolutionary war is the one of the outstanding idea, strategy and tactics of the President and the one of the noble spirit and indomitable struggle of the pioneering generation of the Korean revolution that remained faithful to him. It was the President who advanced the revolutionary and scientific line of struggle, strategy and tactics and superb guerrilla tactics in the whole period of the anti-Japanese war, rallied broad anti-Japanese patriotic forces as one and led the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle to victory, braving all sorts of crises and difficulties in the vanguard. It is the great feats performed by the anti-Japanese forerunners for the times, revolution, country and people that they pioneered the path of the Korean revolution and provided precious heritage guaranteeing its victorious advance under the leadership of the President. Thanks to the tradition of loyalty and unity created in the flames of the anti-Japanese war, our revolution and our state could dynamically advance by dint of the great strength of the people who absolutely trust and defend the leader with the single mind. The successful accomplishment of the sacred cause of national liberation served as a springboard that made it possible to continue to write the history of the growth and development of the DPRK by dint of independence and self-reliance. Minju Joson says that firm is the will of the Korean people to add eternal luster to the immortal exploits performed by the President for national liberation and build the country into the most dignified and powerful country admired by the world under the leadership of the Central Committee of the great Workers' Party of Korea.

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