September 19, 2024
KCNA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN)

NAM – Powerful Fighting Force for Independence and Justice

Date: 01/09/2024 | Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN) | Read original version at source

The 1 st Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-aligned Movement (NAM) was held on September 1, 1961, at the Yugoslavian capital Belgrade. This heralded the start of the NAM under the ideals of independence against imperialism, peace against war, unity and cooperation. During the long time that followed, it has left a clear mark in history as a symbol of unity, cooperation, struggle, and progress of the world’s progressive peoples.

Today, it has strengthened and developed itself into a powerful international political force fighting for independence against imperialism. This is thanks to President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il – world-renowned statesmen and great saints of the cause for world independence – whose wise leadership and immortal exploits are etched in glory in the Movement’s course of development.

President Kim Il Sung paid deep attention to the strengthening and development of the NAM. Having read the desires of the people in the developing countries aspiring after independence, he elucidated a scientific way forward for the NAM with his great ideological and theoretical wisdom.

Chairman Kim Jong Il faithfully carried on the noble desire of President Kim Il Sung for an independent new world and led the struggle against imperialism and the U.S. Under his wise leadership, the NAM has reaffirmed the justness of its founding ideals and principles, and fulfilled its mission and responsibilities in the early 1990s.

The NAM is foreseeing a bright prospect of accomplishing the cause of global independence as we hold in high esteem respected Comrade Kim Jong Un . He is shaping the international political situation, cracking down on the imperialists that force subordination, inequality, war and destruction upon world progressive countries aspiring to independence and peace.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un affirmed his iron will to launch a courageous anti-imperialist joint action and joint struggle on an international scale and further expand the sphere of external relations of the country, uniting and cooperating with all countries and nations aspiring after independence and justice, transcending differences in ideology and social system. He is wisely leading the struggle for further consolidating our country as a fortress of the common front of anti-imperialism.

Our Republic, under the leadership of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un , will continue to make every effort to unite and cooperate with the NAM countries and strive more dynamically for anti-imperialist independence and genuine international justice as a dignified member state of the NAM.

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