Deputy Pak Thae Song, Premier of the Cabinet of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, took an oath at the Twelfth Session of the 14th Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK.
He said he was entrusted with the heavy responsibility of Premier of the Cabinet thanks to the high political trust of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and continued:
I, on behalf of the members of the Cabinet, take a solemn oath at the session of the SPA to remain faithful to the Constitution of the DPRK and repay the expectations of the Party and the people with my absolute devotion.
The Cabinet, an administrative and executive organ of the supreme power of the Republic, will more thoroughly establish the monolithic leadership system of the Party over the economic work with the lines and policies of the WPK as the lifeline and plan and command the economy for implementing the Party decisions in a responsible way and powerfully and thus perform its heavy mission and duty faithfully to the end in the struggle for the growth and development of the overall national economy and the improvement of the people's living.
The members of the Cabinet including the premier will do their best to realize the lofty intention of Comrade Kim Jong Un and his grand plan of state building with their high ability and pure conscience, keeping deep in their hearts the infinite loyalty and absolute spirit of service for the people.
I make a solemn pledge before Comrade Kim Jong Un, the Central Committee of the WPK, the esteemed deputies and all the people to discharge my heavy duty in a responsible manner with practical successes in my work by making redoubled efforts to improve my insufficient ability in implementing the grand plan of the Party and by thoroughly establishing the habit of solving all the problems correctly, perfectly and substantially as intended by the Party, deeply aware of the heavy sense of mission in charge of the economic work of the country at the crucial time when the period of overall prosperity of our great state is ushered in, he added.
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