On 6th April 2025, the 31stPyongyang International Marathon will be held in Pyongyang, the capital city ofDPR Korea.
This marathon with a long history of over 30years since 1981 is well known and prestigious as an annual event which is heldevery April in celebration of 15th April, the most auspiciousholiday in DPR Korea.
The Colorful Opening and Closing Ceremoniesheld in KIM Il SUNG Stadium located at the foot of MoranHill in historic Pyongyang are the one and only highlights worldwide that makesthis Marathon a festival beyond a game.
1.The Organizer
The 31st Pyongyang InternationalMarathon is organized by DPR Korea Athletics Association.
Contact Persons:
∘ Chairman:Mr. An Kum Chol, President of DPR Korea Athletics Association
∘ Race Director:Mrs. Jong Song Ok, General Secretary of DPR Korea Athletics Association
∘ International Affairs Director: Mr. Ri Hyon Chol, ExecutiveDirector of DPR Korea Athletics Association
∘ MedicalDirector: Mr. Kim Kwang Il, Chairman of Medical Committee of DPR KoreaAthletics Association
∘ Contact Detail:
Address: Kumsong-dong No.2, Mangyongdae District,Pyongyang
Tel : + 850 218111 Ext. 341-8164
Email :
[email protected]Website : www.sdprk.org.kp
The Organizing Committeeshall be responsible only for the participation of amateur runners in the 31st Pyongyang InternationalMarathon.
The amateur runners visitingDPR Korea for tourism or any other purpose are recommended to contact theirtravel agencies or host parties for all other issues except for the eventparticipation.
2. Date, Start & FinishPlaces
― Date : 6th April 2025 (Sunday)
― Start & Finish Places :Finish Line on track in KIM Il SUNG Stadium
3. The Race
― Marathon 42. 195km (Men and Women)
― HalfMarathon 21. 0975km (Men and Women)
― 10km (Men and Women)
― 5 km (Men and Women)
2)Rules & Regulations
Competition will be held inaccordance with the current World Athletics Competition Rules and WorldAthletics Label Road Race Regulations 2025 under the supervision of thenominated World Athletics Observer/Technical Delegate.
3) Time of Opening and Closing Ceremonies
― OpeningCeremony : 08:30
― Closing& Awarding Ceremony : 13:30
4) Starting Time and Time Limit
― StartingTime : 09:00 (all events)
― Time Limit : 4 and half hours
Kim Il Sung Stadium – KaesonStreet –Friendship Tower – RyongnamStreet – KumrungCave No.2 – ChongryuBridge – MunsuKangan Street – OkryuBridge – SungriStreet – PyongyangGrand Theatre – OthanKangan Street – MiraeScientists Street –PhyongchonKangan Street – ChongchunStreet - Sosan Street –Mangyongdae School Children’s Palace – Chongnyon HeroRoad Kalrimgil Bridge – TurningPoint – returncourse to Kim Il Sung Stadium.
RouteMap –refer to Appendix 1
6) Start and Finish line
― Amateur runners shall run along the same route with the professionalrunners.
Start and finish lines are inside Kim Il SungStadium.
― The Finish line for the amateur runners who runback to the stadium within 4 and half hours is inside the stadium, but in caseof the amateur runners who run over 4 and half hours, it is outside the stadium.
1) AmateurEntrants from East and Southeast Asian Countries
Amateurentrants from East and Southeast Asian countries with the exception of HongKong, China and Singapore are requested to submit their application form forentry and pay their entry fees to the Organizing Committee through the travelagencies or host parties of DPR Korea.
2) Amateur Entrants from Other Countries
Amateurentrants from all other countries including Hong Kong, China andSingapore with the exception of the above-mentioned ones are requested tosubmit their application form for entry and pay their entry fees to theOrganizing Committee only through the Koryo Tours. This holds true for all race distancesoffered.
Koryo Tours
∘ Address : Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027China
∘ Tel : + 86 10 6416 7544
∘ Contact Persons :
Mr. Nicholas Bonner :
[email protected]Mr. Simon Cockerell :
[email protected]Mr. Gergo Vaczi :
[email protected]∘ Website: www.Koryogroup.com
3) Foreigners residing in the DPR Korea andKorean Overseas Compatriots
All the foreigners residing in the DPR Korea andKorean overseas compatriots are requested to submit their application form forentry and pay their entry fees to the Organizing Committee through theirrespective host parties.
5. Entry fees (USD)
― The Organizing Committee will provide bibs and chips upon receiving theentry fees.
― The Organizing Committee will NOT refund the entry fee if a person, atravel company or a host party cancels his or its entrant’s participation afterreceiving a bib and a chip.
6. EntryDeadline
Entry Deadline : March 15th, 2025 (Saturday)
Entry Forms : Appendix 2
― Allthe amateur runners willing to take part in the 31st PyongyangInternational Marathon shall submit their application form through theabove-mentioned travel agencies or host parties before and by the givendeadline.
― Thetravel agencies and host parties of DPR Korea and the Koryo Tour shall send theentry forms to the Organizing Committee by Saturday March 15th,2025.02.21
Note: Theamateur runners who apply after the deadline are not entitled to run themarathon.
7. Bibs &Chips
― All the participants will be providedbibs and chips through their respective travel agencies and host parties.
― Nobody shall be allowed toparticipate without proper bibs and chips provided by the Organizing Committee.
8. Prize
The OrganizingCommittee shall award souvenir medals and certificates to the top 3 runners andcertificates to all the amateur runners.