September 08, 2024
KCNA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN)

U.S. Had an Ulterior Motive When It Withdrew from INF Treaty: Russian Vice Foreign Minister Points out

Date: 25/07/2024 | Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN) | Read original version at source

Of late, Vice Minister Riabkov of Russian Foreign Ministry had an interview with the magazine “International life” and pointed out the ulterior motive of the U.S. related to its withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

Vice Minister Riabkov commented that it has now turned out that the U.S. withdrawal from the Treaty was meant for striking terror into China by developing such weapons system.

Implying the U.S., he said that such intermediate-range missiles as are currently deployed in the region carry strategic weight in nature, for they are capable of striking the interior of Russian or Chinese territory.

Alleging that Russia’s possession of ground-launched cruise missile 9M729 constitutes a breach of the Treaty and that China is dead set on developing missiles without range restrictions, the U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the INF Treaty in August, 2019, soon resumed development and testing of intermediate-range missiles and then deployed the intermediate-range missile launch system of Typhon in the Philippines in April 2024, on the pretext of military exercises.

The Vice Foreign Minister went on to note that Russia cannot hold a dialogue on disarmament with such a counterpart that had officially stated the intention of dealing a strategic defeat on Russia and is daily seeking ways to that end.

Foreign media recently reported that the U.S. plans to deploy additional weapons system in Germany in 2026, which includes SM-6 missiles and Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Experts say that such blatant moves of the U.S. to deploy intermediate-range missiles are not defensive measures to cope with a “threat” from an adversary but rather an outcome of aggressive domination strategy, and are expressing concern that it will further aggravate the international security environment already fraught with unpredictability and will ultimately trigger an acute arms race between countries.

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