September 08, 2024
KCNA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN)

Immortal Signal Victory

Date: 26/07/2024 | Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN) | Read original version at source

Fireworks were displayed in the sky of July, 1953, in celebration of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War. 70 years since, the immortal feats of war victory performed by President Kim Il Sung shine even brighter with the ever-victorious history of the DPRK.

The DPRK defeated the U.S. boasting of being “the world`s strongest” and honorably defended the territory and sovereignty in the 3-year-long Fatherland Liberation War that was fierce enough to be compared to a confrontation between a rifle and an A-bomb.

This was a remarkable event to be recorded in the histories of the nation and the world revolution and an overwhelming victory which clearly demonstrated the truth that no one in the world can defeat the people who have a great leader.

The great Fatherland Liberation War was a life-or-death war for defending the homeland to safeguard the destiny and future of the people from the full-scale arms invasion of foreign imperialism.

At the same time, it was a fierce decisive battle for defending socialism, democratic camp and peace of mankind from the arrogant scheme of the U.S. imperialists to dominate the whole world.

The President gave a telling blow to the imperialists who trampled over the destinies of sovereign states, frustrated the ambitious world supremacy of the vassal states aggressors led by the U.S., saved the destiny of mankind from the scourge of nuclear war and created a historic momentum for realizing the cause of global independence and independence against imperialism. Herein lies the exploits of war victory achieved by President Kim Il Sung that will go down for tens of millions of years.

The tradition of great victory is being carried forward on this land as we hold respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in high esteem at the highest position of our revolution.

He developed our revolutionary armed forces into a politico-ideologically powerful unit loyal to the ideology and leadership of the Party, a reliable pillar and the main force guaranteeing the long-lasting future of the revolutionary cause of Juche and an invincible army equipped with the strongest Juche weapons capable of resolutely prevailing over the imperialist tyranny. He also made our country rise to prominence as a universally recognized nuclear power and military power.

He saw to it that our people enjoy happiness and comfort throughout generations in a dignified and strong country, free from the calamities of a war. This is the greatest accomplishment he has achieved for the state, people and younger generation.

Under the guidance of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who displays to the whole world the might of our state, our people will carry forward the indomitable spirit of the legendary heroic generation and continue to write ever-victorious history of our Republic adorned only with triumphs.

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