October 14, 2024
KCNA Naenara (En)

Great Patriotic Appeal

Date: 14/10/2024 | Source: Naenara (En) | Read original version at source

October 14, Juche 34 (1945) is a historic day which the Korean people should never forget.

That day the Korean people saw for the first time Comrade Kim Il Sung (April 15, 1912-July 8, 1994), a peerless patriot who accomplished the historic cause of national liberation on August 15, 1945, and heard his speech.

The then Pyongyang Public Playground was crowded with people who came to welcome Kim Il Sung 's triumphant return home.

Whenever the Korean people look back upon the day, they recall a famous article carried on the then Pyongyang Minbo newspaper.

"Pyongyang has a long history of 4 000 years and a large population of 400 000. Has it ever had such a large meeting as this? Has it ever held such an important meeting?”

That day Kim Il Sung in his speech indicated the clear path for building a new Korea.

Let those with strength give their strength; let those with knowledge give their knowledge; and let those with money give their money!

While living as colonial slaves of the Japanese imperialists, the Korean people keenly realized how precious was the existence of a state capable of defending the destiny of the nation. Kim Il Sung led their patriotic enthusiasm to the struggle for accomplishing the great cause of founding a genuine people's state.

In hearty response to his appeal, the Korean people turned out as one in the patriotic struggle to build a prosperous, independent and sovereign state and launched various patriotic campaigns like the general ideological mobilization movement for nation building, the movement of donating grains out of patriotism, the emulation drive for increased production and the anti-illiteracy campaign.

Never in the history of the Korean nation has the patriotic enthusiasm of the people risen to such a high level as those days.

Driven by patriotism to build a prosperous and democratic state as soon as possible, the Korean workers, peasants and fishermen overfulfilled national economic plan every year.

They consolidated the foundations for founding the state one by one through their heroic labour struggle. Finally they founded the glorious Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the first genuine people's state in the history of the Korean nation, on September 9, Juche 37 (1948).

It was merely a little more than 1 060 days from October 14, Juche 34(1945) to September 9, Juche 37(1948).

However, in such a short period, the Korean people, under the leadership of Kim Il Sung , achieved the great cause of state-building which would shine long in their 5 000-year history.

Seventy-six years have passed since all the people, filled with delight after founding the DPRK, sang the national anthem in chorus holding high the national flag and emblem of the DPRK.

Much water has flown under the bridge, but still alive in the memory of the people is the patriotic spirit of the founder generation of the state who built the DPRK on debris by devoting their strength, knowledge and money with patriotic enthusiasm in response to the ardent appeal of Kim Il Sung shortly after the national liberation.

Upholding the slogan "Unite on the strength of patriotism!" advanced at the Ninth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, the Korean people are now accelerating the comprehensive development of socialism, braving all difficulties by dint of patriotic strength and unity.

Kim Wi Hyok

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