September 14, 2024
KCNA Sports DPRK (En)

Ceremony of lighting fire for ninth int'l martial arts games held in Pyongyang

Date: 04/08/2024 | Source: Sports DPRK (En) | Read original version at source

A ceremony oflighting the fire for the Ninth International Martial Arts Games took place inPyongyang on June 17.

The fire,lighted at the martial arts torch tower located at Sports Village on ChongchunStreet, will be relayed to light the cauldron in the venue of the openingceremony of the Ninth International Martial Arts Games to be held in Tashkentof Uzbekistan in November this year.

Present atthe fire-lighting ceremony were Kim Myong Hun, vice-premier of the DPRKCabinet, Kim Myong Gun, chairman of the Korean Taekwon-Do Committee, Taekwon-Doinstructors and players and working people in Pyongyang.

Alsoattending it were executive members of the International Martial Arts GamesCommittee and the International Taekwon-Do Federation, martial arts delegatesfrom different countries and members of the diplomatic corps in the DPRK.

Ri Yong Son,chairman of the International Martial Arts Games Committee who is alsopresident of the ITF, made a speech at the ceremony.

He expressedhis belief that the Ninth International Martial Arts Games to be held amidgreat expectations and interest at home and abroad would make a distinctivecontribution to global justice and peace and the progressive development ofsociety as a meeting for strengthening the friendly ties of martial artists ofthe whole world and promoting the development of the international martial artsmovement.

The torch forthe games was lighted and handed over to Laziz Khasanov, chairman of theUzbekistan Taekwon-Do Association who is chairman of the organizing committeeof the Ninth International Martial Arts Games.

Speeches weremade by Laziz Khasanov and Vyacheslav Timofeev, executive member of theInternational Martial Art Games Committee and also president of the WorldKarate Confederation.

They saidthat on their visit to Pyongyang in this year marking the 25th anniversary ofthe IMAGC, they deeply felt the prestige of the birthplace of Taekwon-Do andthe development of socialist Korea prospering in a highly civilized way andbecame more optimistic about the bright future of the international martialarts movement.

Theyexpressed sincere thanks to the DPRK government for arranging today's grandmeeting and rendering active support and encouragement to the IMAGC so that itcould successfully perform its mission and role.

Then therewere an art performance by art group members of the MangyongdaeSchoolchildren's Palace and a demonstration by Taekwon-Do, wushu and karateplayers.

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